I just make a quick post of what I have in progress and what I have finished :) I have made the embroidery part but now it has to wait for it's turn to be completed :D It will be for Traditional sized costume- I plan 1 row of tassels for costume part and 3 rows for collar :)It takes some time but It will be finished eventually and probably going to Ebay !
Oh, and almost forgot- We have also finished the red costume that we had in progress!
[ Finished red costume for Hilary S.]
Oh, and I thought I'd show you our latest addition to our collection!
Aiyanna Salome By Tabatha Pack, Pained by Thomas Bainbridge.
She is really really sweet classic sized model ! Get yourself one for sure !
Aiyanna Salome By Tabatha Pack, Pained by Thomas Bainbridge.
She is really really sweet classic sized model ! Get yourself one for sure !
Thank you for looking !
Andra and Maia Martõlo
Andra and Maia Martõlo